Jia Ying Community Services Society (JYCSS) was set up by Glad Tidings Church in June 2001 as a non-profit society, with the core purpose of serving the community. By 2003 Jia Ying was registered as a charity and became a full member of the National Council of Social Services, with IPC status. We currently have 2 associated units :
- Jia Ying Senior Activity Centre
- Jia Ying Youth Services
To serve the community through holistic good works and acts of kindness.
- Assist the needy by mobilising resources to build a network of support and assistance within the community.
- Reach out to the youths through mentorship and family orientated programmes.
- Promote volunteerism and life long learning among senior citizens through skills and services, programs and activities.
The logo design is based on using the first two initials 'J' and 'Y' to form a representation of people. The color green represents new life and red for the vibrancy that life should bring. This sums up the purpose and objectives of our community arm where we aim to make an impact in the lives of the community around us.
Corporate Information
Unique entity number : T01SS0100D
Charity registration number : 001741
ROS Registration umber : ROS 0115/2001
IPC Status Number : IPC 000080, renewed up to 30.06.2015
Registered Address : 1 & 3 Valley Road
Singapore 534449
Board of Directors : The Board of Directors was elected at the Annual General Meeting held
on 24.03.2013
Mr Jim Khor (President)
Ms Helen Lee (Vice President)
Mr Luo Youde (Secretary)
Mr Eddy Chan (Treasurer)
Mr Lee Soon
Mrs Rita Lee
Mr Tang Kah Heong
Ms Jayasri P
Advisors : Mr Lawrence Lee
Ms Magdeline Chia
Auditor : Baker Tilly TFW LLP
Annual Report : Download here